Core Synopsis: In autumn and winter of 2013, the fashion women's clothing of Kupper brought us three series of themes, the retro mood of the romantic manor, the elegance and energy of the fashionable ladies' style, the simple and neutral academic style.
Cosmo Women's Fashion Fall 2013 new wave of waves for your release.
The first wave: romantic manor
Small retro floral, laminated details of the design, the use of lotus leaf, embroidery and printing embellishment, bow decoration to show the romantic wave of the 1970s. Flowers with abstract bird elements, fresh and energetic, hit color collar, hit the color details of the edge, similar to the lace decoration, refined and elegant. Profile to loose natural as the theme, creating a leisure romantic atmosphere. Peacock blue, turmeric pierced with dark blue calm and classical color combinations make this series of unique manor atmosphere.
The second wave: fashion ladies style
Elegant and capable women are chasing the modern style of the workplace, retro flavor with full color more stylish charm. Orange, yellow with brown red and other neutral colors, the tone is calm and without losing personality; deformation of the wave pattern, elegant and dynamic. Suit collar, round neck, a large V-collar variety of models full Variety girl's complex.
Third, four waves: college style
A college wind wave hit, saturated neutral colors, unique striped sweater with extra personality. Simple suit and trench coat is an indispensable single product, loose lazy jacket, with large lace collar decoration is a manifestation of individuality. Brown, orange, blue, and army green make up the system's hues.
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