Natural leather shoes and bags, backpacks, handbags and purses are popular with people. They are also essential accessories for fashionistas. Their natural appearance, comfortable feel and excellent quality are their hallmarks. How to keep leather bags and shoes intact? The fashion is still the key to maintenance.
1. The first and most important way to maintain your clothes is to “use them cherishedâ€. It is the most basic knowledge of leather care to ensure that you do not notice any scratches, rain or contaminants when using your purses or shoes.
2. The natural oil of the leather itself will gradually decrease with the continuation of the time or the number of uses. Therefore, even the very high-quality leather goods require “regular maintenanceâ€.
3. Dirty, dusting, or before each storage, should be "dust clean." It is best to apply leather care oil on the leather bag first. The method is to wipe the oil on a clean soft cotton cloth, and then wipe the surface evenly to avoid smearing the oil directly on the bag to avoid leaving traces and affecting the appearance. General leather shoes can be wiped with a soft cotton cloth and then wipe the shoe polish.
4. The "appropriate method" is critical when cleaning and maintaining leather goods. If the suede product is contaminated, it can be erased directly with an eraser, and when it is being maintained, brush it with a soft-bristled brush along the direction of the wool, avoid using a damp cloth to decontaminate, or wipe the maintenance oil used for glossy leather, otherwise subtle defects. Loosening of the hide fluff will leave unsightly and difficult-to-remove prints. Wet shoes and purses can be sucked off with a soft dry cloth. Avoid baking. Be sure to dry naturally and thoroughly before wiping the oil.
5. The “seasonal collection†of leather bags and shoes should be cleaned before storage. Inside the bag, put a clean shredding pile or cotton bolster to keep the shape of the purse. Then put the purse into a soft cotton bag or a non-woven care bag. Store it in a dry cabinet and avoid improper use. The deformation caused by the extrusion. In order to keep the shoes in the collection, the shoes should be supported with a soft tissue or a special utensil. The long boots should be filled properly from the inside to the inside of the boot. It is best to remove the dust from the high-end shoes that are not worn for a long time, put them on the care bag and place them inside the shoe box to prevent pressure deformation, dampness and mildew.
It is necessary to keep "good ventilation" in cabinets that contain leather products, such as cabinets with shutter doors, and it is best not to put too many items in the cabinet.
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